Monday, 14 August 2017

Im Going Travelling...

If all goes to plan i should be going away at the end of October on a big travelling trip. We will be starting in Australia and spending a few months travelling around the gold coast. We're not sure whether to go on from there or come back after Australia but we have a few ideas floating around at the moment. Nothing is set in stone just yet. The idea is to potentially land in Brisbane and hire a camper van. I never realised the amount of effort that goes into planning a massive trip.

We spent a long time deciding on a destination. But obviously thats the first big decision to make. Australia both appealed to us, and its such a popular place to travel that we figured doing a popular route would teach us all the tricks we need to know when travelling so that when we travel different countries in the future we have some knowledge behind us, rather than going massively off the beaten track for our first big trip.

Next we decided on a time length. We new that going in our winter would be ideal for my work, and it would be Australias summer. Going for a few months means we can really make the most of it and relax at the same time without it being too stressful and intense.

A camper van seemed perfect for us as its our accommodation and allows us to travel. When i went to Australia in March we were going to get a camper van, I'm really glad we didn't as it wouldn't of worked because we were really central in Sydney. Whereas a trip like this seems perfect for a camper van. This is definitely the thing that is going to cost us the most money whilst travelling, but we can justify this as it is our home and car for a few months and we need to be comfortable. We are thinking about hiring a mid-sized camper van to ensure we have enough room. As we will be there for Australias summer we need to make sure we don't overheat!

Nothing is set in stone for our trip yet and we are still planning to make sure we get everything as right as we can. We could even change our mind and choose a completely different destination! But for now these are our plans.

If anyone has any tips for travelling, especially in Australia please let me know, it would be much appreciated.

Friday, 11 August 2017

Eyelash Lift and Tint

A few days ago i got my eyelashes lifted and tinted for the first time. I wanted to share the experience and talk through the process incase anyone is thinking of getting this treatment.

The idea of the process is to make the lashes look fuller and thicker without wearing eye make-up. Of course, you can wear eye makeup after having the eyelash lift, but the process makes it look like you're wearing natural eye makeup anyway.

It took about 45 minutes with some breaks in between of waiting as the solutions to work on the lashes. This was fine by me because i had just had a facial and massage and i was ready to drop off!

Im sure the process is done slightly differently where ever you go to have an eyelash lift, but this is how mine worked.

1. Firstly, my lower lashes were taped down
2. A guard was placed on my eye to create the curl and protect my eye from any solutions 
3. The first solution is placed on the eye lashes and is removed after 15 minutes
4. The setting solution is placed on the eye lashes and again, removed after 15 minutes
5. A tint was applied to the lashes and removed after 5-10minutes

The actual process was quick and easy and fairly relaxing. However, i did find it slightly uncomfortable having the tape on my lower lashes as this restricted my blinking and i couldn't laugh or smile as the tape wouldn't allow the skin around my eyes to move! Its really important to keep your eyes closed throughout all the application as it would be very painful to get any solution in your eyes.

I was really overwhelmed by how well this worked on my eyelashes. Its three days later now and i haven't worn any mascara on my upper lashes since having this done.

This treatment really appealed to me as i spend ages curling my lashes every single day, and the mascara application is something i find really boring and tedious even though i love the end result of wearing mascara. I also do shift work, so anything to make my life easier on an early shift is wonderful. Overall I'm happy with the results, and depending on how long the treatment lasts i will consider having it done again.

Left: Before image. Right: After image
Please excuse the redness of my face; i had just had a facial and one of the products used didn't agree with my skin!


Wednesday, 2 August 2017

How To Stay Positive

Its so easy to get yourself in a rut about things in life. With me, its usually something so small irrelevant that I let get to me. Then something else so small will get to me as well. (Talk about kick myself once I'm down!) And before i know it I'm in a viscous cycle of bad moods, hating life and being so negative; and no one else is to blame than myself!
Whether its your job, body image, money or even the weather. You have to realise that if you're not to blame for the way you feel then its out of your control and you have to accept it. If you could be to blame its time to make some changes to get yourself away from the negative vibes!

1) Surround yourself by positive people.
Being around people who genuinely bring you happiness is so important. Whats the point in spending time with negative people who also bring you down?

2) Be grateful.
Instead of thinking about what you don't have, why not be grateful for the things you do have? 

3) Treat yourself.
A little retail therapy never hurt anyone. Treating myself to something, even a nail polish can really cheer me up sometimes, its the small things. I have a long week coming up at work, so I've booked myself in for a massage and facial at the end of the week so i have something to look forward to. This is a bit extravagant and i won't be making a habit of this, but for a one off, why not?

4) Make time for YOU.
Lives can get so hectic, before we know it every minute of our time is taken up. Clear your schedule if you can. Even a free hour in the evening to have a bath, exfoliate, shave your legs and use a face mask! Its surprising what a bit of 'you time' can do!

5) Eat well.
I know this is a typical one, and something most of us struggle with. But a bit of healthy eating didn't hurt anyone. I truly feel better and positive once knowing what I've put into my body is benefitting my body. Don't restrict yourself, but eat in proportion.

6) Look out for someone else.
Its amazing how a small gesture towards someone else can really make you feel good about yourself. It works both ways, knowing you've made someone else's day should really make you feel great too. Even buying a work colleague a coffee.

7) Recognising other's emotions.
Is someone else feeling down around you and that having an impact on you? Try and find out why they aren't okay and if theres something you can do to help. 

Personalised things that cheer me up and keep me positive and happy....

1) Clean bed sheets
2) Baking
3) Coffee
4) Walking my dogs
5) A new bag/top/jeans/shoes
6) A boiling bubble-bath.
7) Hair wash day
8) Homemade smoothies
9) Having plans in place to look forward to
10) Making an effort with people I want to spend time with
11) Holidays/trips away/weekend breaks
12) Steak!
13) A full tank of diesel
14) Blasting old time favourite songs
15) Taking the time to chose a good outfit
16) Prepping my meals
17) Organisation in general
18) Keeping my journals up to date
19) Cheesecake
20) Meals out in restaurants

Favourite positive quotes......

'Start each day with a grateful heart'
'Worry about loving yourself instead of loving the idea of people loving you'
'The grass is greener where you water it'
'All things are difficult before they are easy'
'Don't give up great things take time'
'Grow through what you go through'