Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Driclor, not for the faint hearted!

Before i start; sweating is normal.

Since high school i had been conscious of underarm sweat patches. Its gross, i know. But when you deal with it every day it really sucks all self confidence out of me and is something that I'm always so conscious of.

Whatever the occasion. If I'm excited ill sweat, if I'm nervous ill sweat, if I'm calm angry ill sweat, apprehensive, frustrated, excited, you name it, ill probably sweating...

I will avoid taking my jumper or coat off where ever possible as its something that always plays on my mind and is embarrassing.

For all these years i never did anything about it, i didn't even go to the doctors although i definitely dwelled on it a few times.

I thought this was so uncommon and i wasn't normal.

I thought that it was just my body reacting to my feelings in a certain way and couldn't be helped.

For all of these years i thought that botox in the armpits was the only solution to stopping this, and all i knew about that was that it was short term and expensive, so that wasn't really an option for me.

I tried spray deodorants, roll on, even the maximum protection deodorants and nothing seemed to work, it got to the point where i thought i could deal and accept that i was a sweaty person (!) so i focused more on the fact that i didn't want to smell. So i would layer on the body sprays and perfume!

I was picking up a new deodorant in Boots a few days ago when i saw Driclor and a few other products that claimed to stop sweating. Instantly i wanted to give it a go.

After reading the instructions of a few products i decided to buy Driclor, it wasn't too expensive (£6.19) and claimed to stop sweating completely after using it for a few weeks.

You apply Driclor to clean, dry skin last thing at night and then wash it off in the morning. You can carry on using your normal deodorant throughout the day.

The first time i applied it, it felt slightly tingly and itchy on my underarms. I tried not to think much of it as i though it must be working and actually doing something, it wasn't unbearable so i put up with it. 

However, the second night i had the same symtoms, but much worse. I googled this and although people claim it to be a product that really works, nearly everyone mentioned this as a side-effect, of which it doesnt state on the bottle or in the instructions paper!

I was really impressed to discover that the day after using Driclor for the first time i only sweated the tiniest bit! I was so pleased and couldn't believe that this product could essentially change my life, my self confidence and my wellbeing. 

This is something i really wanted to work for me as its something that has affected me for a long, long time. So i wanted to put up with the itchiness and soreness as it will be worth it in the end.

Im now on day 4 of applying Driclor and the symptoms definitely aren't improving! Im so determined to make this work so I'm trying really hard to stick it out, but its definitely not for the faint hearted!

If sweating is a mild issue for you, but nothing that affects your daily life then i wouldn't suggest putting yourself through this treatment. 

I will post another update in a couple of weeks time when i've hopefully completed this. 

If you've tried Driclor let me know how youv'e got on, id love to hear your experience with it!

By this product at Boots UK:

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